Montgomery Village News Articles
I would like to thank the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors for coordinating the donation of the beautiful Cherry tree in...
A number of park projects have either been completed this year or are currently underway. These projects will bring a number of new amenities to...
At the October 27 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved several items that are in line with...
Did you know your local Rotary Chapter has been raising money (more than $400,000) for local charities since 1982? Montgomery Village residents may not be...
It wouldn’t be October without the Montgomery Village Great Pumpkin Race and Fall Festival. On Saturday, Oct. 8, pumpkins and people once...
The Montgomery County Board of Elections has installed ballot drop box locations available to voters for the 2022 Gubernatorial General Election. The ballot drop boxes...
For many years, the marquee sign at the corner of Montgomery Village Avenue and Stedwick Road—that advertises the Village Center—has been in need of repair, and has been the subject of a “whose responsibility is it” type discussion. The sign promotes the Village Center, but is actually on the property where CVS is located; that property has multiple owners, including one who owns the land, and one who owns the building. The current state of the sign is disrepair, including a tree growing through the interior of the marquee area.
At the September 22 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, current Executive Vice President (EVP) David Humpton announced his retirement, effective Friday, March 31, 2023. Humpton has served as EVP for the last 15 years. The Board approved President Scott Dyer to execute a contract with the national firm Baker Tilly, in the amount of $26,950, to aid in the executive search process.
Make your home more energy efficient, more comfortable and lower your energy bills! Apply now for free weatherization grants for upgrades to your home.
2022 MEA...
Make your home more energy efficient, more comfortable and lower your energy bills! Apply now for...
Are you passionate about your neighborhood and have time each month to help keep it running
Homes corporations and condominium associations send updates of items happening in their specific communities to the Village News for print. Check out what's happening in...
Homes corporations and condominium associations send updates of items happening in their specific
The Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) once again joined the Watkins Mill and Gaithersburg High Schools’ Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) to continue the MVF Scholarship...
Since 2019, the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors and staff have been working on the repurposing of the previously closed...
On Saturday, July 30, long-time Village resident and community activist Richard “Rich” Wilder passed away. Rich was a former member of the MVF Committee on...
In the summer months, Village residents spend plenty of time enjoying the parks and paths throughout the Village. One of the most annoying pests we...
In the summer months, Village residents spend plenty of time enjoying the parks and paths
Pickleball has recently become a hot new sport to try, and with its rising popularity, the need for dedicated space to play...
County Executive visits Montgomery Village Health Care Center during National Nursing Assistant week
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich visited the Nursing Assistant staff at Montgomery Village Health Care Center in honor of National Nursing Assistant...