by Mike Conroy
Over the last several years, Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) has promoted the benefits and amenities of Montgomery Village, the diversity of housing, pride in community and Village events to county residents, area visitors and the local community. The main vehicle for this campaign has been the full color Flourish magazine. The previous three issues have been distributed around the county and have received high praise as a great tool to showcase Montgomery Village.

The first issue was dedicated to promoting amenities and all aspects of the community, not just those amenities under MVF purview. The second volume covered our most important resource: our residents. Articles highlighted current and former resident success stories, and also took a look at how the community is changing and being updated, offering readers an idea of how investing in the community is paying off. The third installment focused on our community history and the 50th Anniversary, which was celebrated all year.

The fourth and final edition is centered on the natural aspects of Montgomery Village—the parks, wildlife, the Nature Center—and how they relate to the overall Village experience. Article topics include Lake Whetstone, the Nature Center, paths and trails, nature-centered service groups and opportunities and much more.

As was done in previous years, the magazine will not be distributed with the Village News, but copies will be available at the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, if residents would like one. It will also be available electronically at the website. The publication will be distributed to the general public at places like area hotels and doctors’ offices, and left with local employers and realtors to use when helping newcomers to the area find homes.

For more information or comments about the magazine, contact Director of Communications Mike Conroy at 240-243-2331 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..